Monday, July 6, 2020

Eugenios Four Cheese Pizza

Hello, this is November 29th...and I'm, Leonard. And today I'm reviewing Costco's Chicken Potstickers. 

So, let's say that you've been laid off and have to stay home all the time due to the global economy tanking because of a new contagious disease, what do you do? Well, you're going to want 2 things: a designated driver and a bag of frozen potstickers. And fresh ginger.

Ok, so, I bought the ginger to make ginger beer, and that hasn't happened. Mostly because I'm not sleeping much and all I really have the energy for are convenience foods. Enter: the light lunch frozen potstickers.
Now, I could tell you how to cook them, or your could read the fucking bag. And are they special? Anything but. Enter: the ginger.

Don't use the sauce packet that comes with it. Or do, I haven't tried it. Instead make your own sauce. 4T rice wine vinegar, 4T soy sauce, 3 or 4 cloves minced or pressed garlic (you love food so much, go ahead and mince it. But if you do, why are you eating frozen potstickers?), maybe a teaspoon of sesame oil, and a shitload of ginger, grated. 

Oh, you were going to use a microplane for the ginger. Fine. Go ahead. Fucking 'foodie'. 
I have one too. I'd use it if I wanted fluffier ginger. And let's face it: I could hide my shame, or double down on it by admitting that I use a ginger grater. to get a juicy goo. It was like a buck. And you get all the juice. Oh, the juice. I'm not better than you, like, at all. Sometimes I lick the juice out of the grater after I make the sauce.

Photo montage:
Yeah, I warm the bowls. You wanna eat shit that has one cold side? Go ahead. 
Either way, you gotta sauce it:

I mean, it is a chicken thingy. Good for a snack. Each bag has about 14 servings of 6 pieces. So, on sale that was about 71¢ per serving. Not on sale it was about a buck. The sauce has to be like 10¢or less per serving. 

Definitely a buy.

So, why the hell not have some, then share some graham crackers with your dog.

Friday, June 12, 2020

More Hot Dogs

Things have moved on. Moved on from bags of used hot dogs given to me out of pity and moved to Canada (my fellow Americans, good luck with Capt. Coo-Coo Bananas, but I'll still be voting and doing my own decolonization and anti-racism work with my Auntie Fa up north).

My hot dog studies have definitely moved forward. I have a grill. Yes, it is a gas grill. And, yes, I don't have (and have not yet ever had) any gas for it. But it holds promise. More importantly, I bought a 36-pack of hot dogs recently. The hot dog landscape in Canada is weird. Buns come in packs of 12 and hot dogs come in packs of 5, 6 or 10, but sometimes 7 or 8 too.

[rufus photo]
Honestly, I really thought I was done cooking hot dogs at home. I really, really did. But we got a new dog--Rufus--a 18 month old Border Collie. And he is an asshole. So, we are using hot dogs as a treat to train him. Now, he gets the no name® brand chicken hot dogs. Which at 10 dogs (450 grams) for $1.99 CAD are cheap, but they don't have flavor--and passing the salt isn't going to fucking help. But buying hot dogs for dog training only rekindled the fire. The fire in my heart for hot dogs. Or maybe that isn't so much fire as a feeling like an elephant is sitting on my chest and pain is shooting down my left arm. Maybe hot dogs are still a bad idea. Maybe the world is going to end tomorrow. Maybe American democracy will start working again. I don't know.

But this is a food blog, right? And I said something about hot dogs, right? Right.

So: here is a hot dog, pan fried in butter. I dropped the buns in the butter to brown them up too.

Hot dog: 1 at 49¢ (a 56 ¼ gram dog, but only comes in a pack of 36 for $17.99 CAD)
Bun: 1 at 21.5¢ (a 12 pack for $2.59 CAD. I'm buying potato buns next time. Fuck these regular buns)
Butter: 1 tablespoon at let's say 12 ¢?
Total: 82.5¢ CAD.

Now the only questions are do I finish this off with a few Mr. Creamys and will my photos actually fucking upload. Here's a photo of the new dog, as an apology for using the phrase 'bag of dicks' in my last post:
He looks like an angel, right? Looks like.